Edinburgh Museum of Childhood

How many times do we sit and watch children, and remember our own childhood days. Your first pair of roller skates, playing hop scotch in the school playground and hide-and-seek with the neighborhood kids. Your very first doll whose name you can still remember or the toy car that you finally got for Christmas, are all memories that still bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. Fortunately, due to the foresight of an Edinburgh councilor named Patrick Murray, the Museum of Childhood was established in the year 1955, and has been a popular attraction in Edinburgh, since the day it opened. A museum to specialize in the life and education of a child, was a first. It appeals to all ages, as we were all children once, and looking back on our childhood, remembering the games we played with friends and the toys that were so dear to us, evokes emotions in parents and excitement in their children.

Of course, taking a quiet and peaceful stroll through the
Edinburgh Museum of Childhood is not possible. The
sound of joy and enthusiasm fills the air, as does the amazed and
sounds of adults. There are toys everywhere in the museum that range
the 1950’s until present and different events and exhibitions that are
hosted by the Museum of Childhood ensure a constant flow of visitors
the museum. Not only is the museum interesting, but it is educational
in a
fun way. Here children are able to learn more about the toys and games
used to entertain the children of previous eras, including the way they
dressed and the education they received while growing up. Spread out
five floors, visitors will be able to view health exhibits, video
presentations, costumes and educational exhibits.

The Edinburgh Museum of Childhood has so many different games and
toys on
display that it is not easy to keep up. From Noddy and his car, to
books, train sets, cars, dolls, arcade machines, teddy bears and many
will definitely be found entertaining by the entire family. And the
exhibitions are not limited to the children of one country, but from
childhoods of children across the world. There is a shop available
visitors are able to purchase toys and memorabilia. With so much to see
participate in, it is no wonder that this museum is a popular
attraction in

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