The Jazz Festival in Edinburgh

Every year people gather from all over the world to enjoy the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival. This is the biggest jazz event in Britain and it is generally held over ten days during the summer months in Scotland. Jazz is considered to have begun in the 1880's in New Orleans, America and is a combination of African and Western European musical elements.

created by people in the Americas of African descent, the music was so catchy
that by the 1920’s it was being heard in clubs throughout America and being
played and enjoyed by peoples of all races. It didn’t take long before the
world caught on to the craze and jazz soon became a worldwide phenomenon –
resulting in celebrations of the music style in various parts of the world.
The Edinburgh Jazz Festival is one of these celebrations – an event where
people get together simply to enjoy the pleasure of listening and playing

The Edinburgh Jazz Festival is the longest running jazz festival in the
United Kingdom and it has an average of 50,000 people in attendance. It
is extremely popular and every year it attracts many top Jazz performers –
both established artists and rising stars. The programme of concerts are hosted across the city at various venues, and this means that visitors
can take in some of the sights of Edinburgh, while taking in some of the best sounds.
Artists are both local and international and many are at the top of their
game – providing a truly magnificent experience for all in attendance at
the festival.

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